Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Star Wars

Yes. Star Wars. My husband has 4 Star Wars books, Episode 2 and 3,Dark Lord the Rise of Darth Vader and The Force Unleashed. I hadn't been to the library in a while and I was getting desperate to read. So even though I was not sure what I would think I decided to give them a try. I mean, I like the movies so the books are usually better right?

Well, I am happy to say, YES! I actually really enjoyed them. The books were very descriptive and it was so much easier for me to focus on the actual story without all the special effects getting in the way. I think I could feel Anakin's pain so much more in the books than the movies. And the 2 new books with their host of new characters really helped me to get into Darth Vader's head. It also hints of the hope that is to come.

Even though I know that the "spirituality" of Star Wars is not truth, I do have to say that there are definitely some truths that can be taken away and applied. There many instances when those very strong in the force (Obi Wan for example) empty themselves and in essence just let the force fill them and flow through them. If only I could let God's spirit fill me and move me in the same ways. If only I did not have to have so much control.

I was also struck yet again by the power of Satan's lies and how he twists the truth. He whisper a little bit of truth to you but then twists it and fills the rest with lies. So you are confused and don't know what to believe. I found myself yelling at Anakin again and again, "No, don't listen to him!" I think that's why it's great to have a strong support around you to remind you of the truth when you get confused.

One other great thing about reading these books is that now I can maybe remember some names and places in the Star Wars trilogy and contend with my husband in Star Wars Trivia Pursuit. Did I achieve nerd status by reading these books? Only time will tell.

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