Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Reliable Wife

A Reliable Wife
by Robert Goolrick

Even though this book is a New York Times bestseller, I stay, "Stay away!" A book club I'm a part of decided on this read based on the description on the back. It looked like it would be an intriguing murder mystery. A man takes out and ad in the paper asking for an honest and reliable wife. A woman answers his ad in the hopes of killing him off for his money. 

I suppose that does happen in the book but what the back doesn't tell you is that it is utterly and completely depressing. All the characters are selfish and obsessed with sex and the book leaves not much to imagination in that department. It was a struggle to get through and I am a firm believer that a good writer should leave you wanting to read more not to trudge through to get it over with. This was not a book I wanted to keep reading nor would I recommend it to anyone!

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