Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Chasing Vermeer

Chasing Vermeer
by Blue Balliett

Recommended to me by a friend this kids book was a delight! It reminded me of the kind of book I would have loved reading as a child. Not that I didn't enjoy it now because I very much did. It is charming, intelligent, mysterious, puzzling and keeps your mind alert at all times.

I love thinking and I like books that challenge you. I like puzzles and trying to figure out things. This book had all that and a good story as well. I learned about an artist, Vermeer. I learned about pentominos. I learned about an author, Charles Fort. How all these items are tied together will only be revealed by reading the book and I encourage you to do just that. When a painting on it's way to the Art Institute goes missing a series of seemingly random events points to some strange conclusions about where it may be. Can two kids figure out the puzzle before it's too late?

I can't wait to read the next book in this series.

A Reliable Wife

A Reliable Wife
by Robert Goolrick

Even though this book is a New York Times bestseller, I stay, "Stay away!" A book club I'm a part of decided on this read based on the description on the back. It looked like it would be an intriguing murder mystery. A man takes out and ad in the paper asking for an honest and reliable wife. A woman answers his ad in the hopes of killing him off for his money. 

I suppose that does happen in the book but what the back doesn't tell you is that it is utterly and completely depressing. All the characters are selfish and obsessed with sex and the book leaves not much to imagination in that department. It was a struggle to get through and I am a firm believer that a good writer should leave you wanting to read more not to trudge through to get it over with. This was not a book I wanted to keep reading nor would I recommend it to anyone!

Theodore Boone, Kid Lawyer

Theodore Boone, Kid Lawyer Books 1 &2
by John Grisham

I have actually only read one John Grisham book in my lifetime but I really loved it. When I saw that he had written a kids book I was so excited. I love kids books and a kids series by such an acclaimed author must be good!

I was not let down! I thoroughly enjoyed both books and can't wait for the next one to come out. So much unfinished business to take care of.

These books detail the life of Theodore Boone, kid lawyer. Ok, so a kid can't really be a lawyer, but he somehow finds himself doing just that, or at least advocating for his friends and being someone to come to for advice. His parents are lawyers and he wants to be a lawyer or judge. He finds himself in two different situations in these books that brings up great questions about right and wrong. Sometimes it's not always clear what is the best thing to do. What do you do when someone confides in you about a murder but telling someone could mean that person telling could be in trouble? And what do you do when your best friend goes missing? How far would you go to help?

You will fall in love with this bright, intelligent boy as he navigates the world of school and law.

Star Wars

Yes. Star Wars. My husband has 4 Star Wars books, Episode 2 and 3,Dark Lord the Rise of Darth Vader and The Force Unleashed. I hadn't been to the library in a while and I was getting desperate to read. So even though I was not sure what I would think I decided to give them a try. I mean, I like the movies so the books are usually better right?

Well, I am happy to say, YES! I actually really enjoyed them. The books were very descriptive and it was so much easier for me to focus on the actual story without all the special effects getting in the way. I think I could feel Anakin's pain so much more in the books than the movies. And the 2 new books with their host of new characters really helped me to get into Darth Vader's head. It also hints of the hope that is to come.

Even though I know that the "spirituality" of Star Wars is not truth, I do have to say that there are definitely some truths that can be taken away and applied. There many instances when those very strong in the force (Obi Wan for example) empty themselves and in essence just let the force fill them and flow through them. If only I could let God's spirit fill me and move me in the same ways. If only I did not have to have so much control.

I was also struck yet again by the power of Satan's lies and how he twists the truth. He whisper a little bit of truth to you but then twists it and fills the rest with lies. So you are confused and don't know what to believe. I found myself yelling at Anakin again and again, "No, don't listen to him!" I think that's why it's great to have a strong support around you to remind you of the truth when you get confused.

One other great thing about reading these books is that now I can maybe remember some names and places in the Star Wars trilogy and contend with my husband in Star Wars Trivia Pursuit. Did I achieve nerd status by reading these books? Only time will tell.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Help Support VOTA!

Vota is a great Christian rock band which we had the pleasure of hearing first a few years ago at a Newsboys concert. They are not super mainstream, but they were good.

They are raising support for the recording of their album and you can help. Check out the video and link to find out more. It's pretty cool though. And if they don't make their goal, you will not be charged anything you contribute.