Saturday, June 4, 2011

Terrify No More

Terrify No More
by Gary A. Haugen (president of International Justice Mission)

Despite what you may think of first by reading the title, this book has nothing to with  terrorism as we think of it today. However, it does deal with a terrible atrocity that has been going on and I'm sure still goes on in many parts of the world. That atrocity is injustice!  Whether it is slave labor, forced prostitution or abuse the International Justice Mission takes on cases like these around the world and they do it quite successfully.

As you read you learn more about the wonderful people that make up this organization and the amazing things God is doing through them. You also learn about the horrific situations that are abundant in the world and that can be at times disheartening. I am extremely thankful that they were very elusive in specific descriptions of the situations these people find themselves in. Though they are forced to come close and personal with the details of these crimes it's not something I think I could handle. As it is you definitely get the picture.

The main story this book follows is that of a raid on a town in Cambodia known for their young girls in brothels. I had no idea places like this existed. I am more familiar with the fact that women feel they have no choice and will sell themselves. I also had heard about girls being sold to do this but in this particular case the girls were young. Very young. Between 5-14 years old. I can hardly imagine that. It's nauseating! It's so difficult to read about these things and not become heart-broken for these little innocent children. I also experience anger at those who could do these things to one of these little ones. It's just another example of evil in this world and I know that it will not always be so. For that I am thankful.

You learn alot about the organization and all that goes into investigations and preparations for such a raid as the one detailed. It's a very rigorous and draining line of work but so worth it when they are able to see the smile on someone's face is set free from bondage literally and often spiritually as well.

This book was written in 2005 and the raid took place in 2003. I know that's a little bit ago but as we all know this world is still an evil place and when one evil is overcome there is plenty more to step in. The work of those fighting injustice will never be complete this side of eternity. Their work is so important and I am so encouraged by the successes.

This is not an easy read! It reads quickly and there is lots of drama and compelling stories, but it's not easy to get through. It will make you want to help. It will make you cry and pray and question God. But those are the exact reasons we need to read books like this. We need to remember what things are important in life. We need to remember that God cares about the least of these. Though we may not see or even know about every injustice going on, about every child forced to do detestable things, about every person in bondage to another, He knows each person by name and cares about them. So when we do learn about them, what do we do? That is the question I am struggling with right now as well.

I know I can pray! I don't know what else I can do at this moment though one day maybe God will answer that question more clearly, but what can you do?

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