Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Not For Sale

Not for Sale
by David Batstone

This book showcases different stories of modern day human traffiking and slavery. And not just in foreign countries but in your own backyard. It's really eye-opening. It also tells stories of the brave souls that have started organizations and minitries to help the victims of these atrocities. I am amazed at the creativitiy of those who are helping. It gives me hope that maybe I could come up with something I could do to help as well. Most of the people who help the most did not go to school for social justice or politics or anything. They are normal people who were confronted with the horrific truth and chose to act.

As I have been exploring this topic I am faced with pure evil and to be honest sometimes it is so much easier to just look the other way. It doesn't directly affect my every day life so it is easy to forget about or rather choose to ignore. It also doesn't change the fact that I do indeed have to go on with my every day life. So what to do?

One thing that I feel compelled to do is to make others aware. I honestly had no idea some of this stuff went on or still goes on. Part of it is that I didn't pay attention when things were mentioned and the other part is that it doesn't really get all that much media attention considering all the other stupid "news" we are bombarded with. I think if it really got as much attention as it deserves than people would get on board to do something more drastic. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I do beleive that our government looks the other way on many social issues because of money or influence and hence the media follows.

Another thing I can do is pray. I don't take this lightly and I need to do it more often. Being involved in the advocacy group at our church is a great start, but I definitely want to make it more of a priority in my everyday life as well.

The last thing that I can think of to do is make myself aware. I need to continue to be aware of what's going on. I need to know where what I'm buying is coming from. I need to take stock of what's going on the world. I need to act when I can and control what I can control to help.

It seems like a small thing to do, but for now that's all I feel I can offer. Our world is an evil place and those who say any different obviously have their eyes closed. When a human can treat another human worse than an animal something is wrong. I am thankful that one day these things will no longer exists. There is hope in Christ and I cling to that with all my might.

If you'd like more info about what you can do please visit the websites below.

http://christianadvocacynow.org/ (can help you learn how to pray or start a group at your church)
http://www.ijm.org/ (International Justice Mission)

If you have any other ideas of what one can do to help please feel free to comment.

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