Monday, May 30, 2011

God's Smuggler

God's Smuggler
by Brother Andrew

This book is a must read! It was a wonderful testament to the faithfulness of our God for those that trust and obey. It is convicting, encouraging and a non-stop adventure, which is how much of life is in itself.

It is the story of a poor dutch boy named Andrew and how God used him to smuggle bibles behind the iron curtain and then begin Open Doors. His story is one, like many bible stories that shows how God uses the least of these to do very important kingdom work. All he needs is a willing soul.

It definitely made me want to go to China and bring a few bibles with me to see if they would allow me a few personal bibles that I could manage to leave behind. An interesting thought for sure. This book also challenged my thinking about God's provision. Here was a man that had nothing. And yet God provided for his and his ministries every need every time in every way. I want to trust as much as he did.

I think for the first time I truly grasped what Jesus meant when he said that it is hard for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.  Not that I want to be poor but I think it is easier to trust God when you have nothing. You have to trust Him when there is no alternative. But in our country of abundance it's harder for Him to be the first you think of to provide. I mean, I trust God, but I am the one working and paying for food and necessities. We trust ourselves alot more than God. I have to check my heart on that and truly learn what it means to be dependent on God. I know He does not call all of us to a life of missions but He does call us all to be faithful with what He has given us and to trust Him for our provision, however that comes.

This book will definitely help you catch God's vision for world missions and how Jesus and His word are life-changing. I would encourage you to check out the Open Doors website as well. They are doing some great work around the world. I pray that our faith would be increased as we read another story of a hero of the faith!

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