Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Few Short Reads for the Kids

The Tale of Despereaux

by Kate DiCamillo.

What a cute little story. I pretty much read it in one setting. I forgot how fast kids books can go. It’s about a little mouse who was not afraid to be himself and live like knight with chivalry and honor and courage. This does not bode well for him in the mouse community but eventually he manages ok. I dont’ want to give too much away, but there is also a rat, a princess, a king, a chef, a genie and soup involved in this little tale. 

by Jeff Kinney

I found myself wanting to read this book aloud to my husband, which I actually did for a short time, but he lost interest fast. I was so enjoying being transported back to middle school and contemplating the way kids minds work. All of us can relate to some degree. I found the comics amusing as well. While, overall it was a cute concept and the main charcters did end up friends again in the end I did not like some of the decisions that the main character made. He treated his best friend terribly. I know not all middle schoolers made good decisions all the time, the way I know I don’t make good decisions all the time. I just couldn’t really relate to the kind of relationship he had with his “best” friend. I expect more. Hopefully as he grows and the series continues their relationship will become less one-sided. We’ll see.

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