Sunday, March 27, 2011

Immanuel's Veins

Immanuel's Veins
by Ted Dekker

All you Twilight lover’s out there, read this book. Not only is it a book about creatures of the night and a love story but it actually has redeeming qualities and is a book that you can learn a little more of God’s character by reading. You can’t really say that about the Twilight series though to be fair, that was never the intent. 

I love reading Dekker because once you start reading you never want to put the book down. This story follows two male characters of the Russian military sent to protect two daughters of a high class dwelling. They find themselves in some awkward situations from the get go when a “family” from nearby attend a party at the girls residence. There are some strange things going on with the Vlad clan (the man in charge is named Vlad). As one daughter gets caught up in the revelry going on at the mysterious other house we are left trying to figure out what is truly going on. The other daughter holds out for a while but certain events draw her in as well. Will anyone be able to resist and face the evil at hand? 
I definitely recommend this read, especially if you were a fan of the Twilight series or if you just like stories that are a little creepy in general.

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