Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Words of Dragon

Words of Dragon
by J.L. Torres
Words of Dragon

A book showed up on my shelf at home with the post it, “Let me know what you think.” Of course I knew who the book was from. It was from my mom who was given the book by a co-worker to review. She passed it on to me for my thoughts as well. 
Naturally being given a book that I knew nothing about I turned it over to the back cover to find out the summary of what I was about to read. I will admit that it was hard to get through the summary and it definitely made me wonder if this was a prelude of what was to come. There were numerous grammatical errors and sentences that just didn’t make complete sense.
I ventured on, unsure of what awaited but hoping for the best. Sadly I was unimpressed. I am not an English major but there were so many mistakes in grammar and spelling. There were multiple times when I could not tell which character was speaking. Then there were times when the author even got the characters names confused and you could tell he used the wrong name. All these “little” things made this a very difficult read for me and hard to take seriously. I think a proof reader could go a long way in helping this book out.
Not that it was all bad. Certainly not. I give kudos to Torres for finishing this story he set out to write. Not many people take the time or have the creativity to accomplish such a task. The story is a decent one, the classic tale between good and evil in a land of fantasy. Though it did remind me of every fantasy book I’ve ever read. For what it is, a story completed by someone with no professional writing experience, it’s not bad. It will not be a best seller but with some editing it could be a bit better.
You can find out more or purchase your copy at JLT Fantasy

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