Friday, August 13, 2010

The Heavenly Man

The Heavenly Man, the remarkable story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun

with Paul Hattaway

It's not often that I am truly humbled, encouraged and challenged by one read. However, this book is one of those reads. Brother Yun's story is one that you could find straight out of the New Testament in the Bible. Only it takes place in today's day and time.
This book will definitely challenge your views of what it really means to be a Christian. It shows what it means when Paul says, "to live is Christ and to die is gain," in Philippians. And models the command of Christ to love our enemies. Here in the west it takes on different forms from that in China, but Brother Yun even addresses that near the end of the book.
If you think that the God of the Bible does not do miracles in today's day and age then surely you do not know much about what God is doing throughout the church around the world. I find it fascinating how God is blooming in a garden that tried to stamp him out completely. Our God is not hindered by humans. This is a story about one such nation, China. You will learn about the history of religion in China and current day situations that humans with any heart at all will be saddened and probably angered by. Their nation tries to put on such a good face for the world but it's all a facade.
Brother Yun faced many trials and encountered many situations some of us pray we never have to face and yet Jesus was faithful through it all. Pain and suffering are something we try to hide from and yet he embraced them and used them to draw closer to Jesus. Was Brother Yun perfect? No. In fact we learn of some of his costly mistakes. But God is a good God. A God of grace and forgiveness and uses us despite our imperfections.
I challenge you to read this book and not be moved. I find I struggle to not get angry at China and the leaders that allow these terrible things to go on. But when that happens I get on my knees and pray for the leaders. Despite their efforts to literally crush and demolish the message of Christ, it is spreading like fire throughout their nation. Pray for China. Pray for Brother Yun and the other leaders of the House Church. Read this book and become more educated about what God is doing around the world.

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