Saturday, August 28, 2010

Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Everyone has heard of Jurassic Park and knows the basic plot due to the movie that came out a while back. I’ve never seen the movie because something about big mean dinosaurs and humans just seemed like a recipe for disastrous events that I did not care to witness. However, reading the book is something I could handle and so intrigued by my basic knowledge of the movie I ventured into the land of the dinosaurs.
I was actually intellectually stimulated by the ideas put forth from the get go. Granted the violence in the beginning was also a foretaste of what was to come. But violence aside, there were some really intriguing ideas and great philosophical dilemmas laid out.
The most obvious thought and question that ran through my mind was, “Is this even possible?” When this was written it might have seemed less plausible but in the 20 years since then science has made huge advances in the genetic field. And when you learn how cut-throat the industry is and how much money is involved and how corrupt power and money make people, well, it really makes you stop and think. What potentially dangerous projects are going on all over the world that we know nothing about? 
One character in the book, Malcolm, makes many profound statements in my eyes. In speaking about scientists to another character he says, “So they are focused on whether they can do something. They never stop to ask if they should do something.” Isn’t that the great debate that we have been facing for quite some time in the areas of science and technology? Technology is not bad in and of itself and it can be used for the good of many but it can also be used to the detriment of many. Scientific discoveries are not bad in and of themselves but if we stop questioning the ethics and really thinking about the long term effects of our “breakthroughs” then we are setting ourselves up for potentially devastating situations that cannot be easily, if ever, undone. 
In our unquenchable thirst for immortality and perfection how much are we willing to give up? I never thought I would see the day when the manufacturing of A Brave New World might be a reality. But are we really that far off? So these are just some of the many thoughts running through my head as I read this book. I had no idea this suspense novel would stimulate so much of my intellect. 
One other thought that stands out is in regards to another of character Malcolm’s rants about chaos theory. Apparently that is a real field of study and it’s in regards to the complex systems of life. It speaks to the fact that it’s hard to predict some things because there are too many variables that can change everything. Weather is a great example because even seemingly the same situations can create two different weather patterns. But he also mentions that even within the chaos there is an underlying order and that simple things can produce complex behavior. As a Christian this all makes perfect sense to me. Though it doesn’t surprise me, it always amazes me more and more when science supports the evidence for a Creator. 
Even though I went into this book expecting a suspense thrill ride full of dinosaur chases and maimed people I was pleasantly surprised that it was so much more. I really enjoyed this read and am curious now to read The Lost World and see if the second book will engage the little gray cells as much as this one did. 
One last thought, raptors are some devilish dinos. (at least according to this book)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Words of Dragon

Words of Dragon
by J.L. Torres
Words of Dragon

A book showed up on my shelf at home with the post it, “Let me know what you think.” Of course I knew who the book was from. It was from my mom who was given the book by a co-worker to review. She passed it on to me for my thoughts as well. 
Naturally being given a book that I knew nothing about I turned it over to the back cover to find out the summary of what I was about to read. I will admit that it was hard to get through the summary and it definitely made me wonder if this was a prelude of what was to come. There were numerous grammatical errors and sentences that just didn’t make complete sense.
I ventured on, unsure of what awaited but hoping for the best. Sadly I was unimpressed. I am not an English major but there were so many mistakes in grammar and spelling. There were multiple times when I could not tell which character was speaking. Then there were times when the author even got the characters names confused and you could tell he used the wrong name. All these “little” things made this a very difficult read for me and hard to take seriously. I think a proof reader could go a long way in helping this book out.
Not that it was all bad. Certainly not. I give kudos to Torres for finishing this story he set out to write. Not many people take the time or have the creativity to accomplish such a task. The story is a decent one, the classic tale between good and evil in a land of fantasy. Though it did remind me of every fantasy book I’ve ever read. For what it is, a story completed by someone with no professional writing experience, it’s not bad. It will not be a best seller but with some editing it could be a bit better.
You can find out more or purchase your copy at JLT Fantasy

Monday, August 23, 2010

Why, Why, Why??? Arrgggg!

 Have you heard about the church in Gainesville, Florida that is planning on a Quran book burning on 9/11? Apparently they were denied a permit for safety reasons but are planning on going ahead with it, and all this in the name of Jesus. However, this isn’t too surprising considering the pastor of the church, Terry Jones wrote a book called “Islam is of the Devil” and consequently sells mugs with the same logo. 

I feel like I’m missing something here. This is wrong on so many levels. Sure Islam is of the devil, but so are all the other religions and cults out there. Not to mention “sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like.” (Galatians 5:19-21) And I didn’t even mention the fact that Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself, as well as love your enemy. I don’t know that I count Muslims as my enemy but surely they are my neighbor. Is it loving my enemy to burn a book they consider holy? I’d have to say unequivocally, NO! 
It really makes me angry to see a church like this making decisions that are so far off what the bible teaches. They are being a terrible representation of Christ. I know Christians aren’t perfect but these types of Christians make it worse for the rest of us. They make a big fuss and get all the media attention and people in the world look on and see us as hypocrites. And rightfully so. If what they are doing is what being a Christian is all about then I would want no part of it either. Why don’t they burn x rated movies and violent video games while they are at it. Those have probably destroyed just as many lives if not more.
September 11, 2001 was a tragic day for our nation and surely it will not soon be forgotten. However, we cannot cling to that as a reason to hold on to fear and bitterness. We can’t use it as a crutch to ostracize a people group. We are called to love as Jesus loves, to forgive as He has forgiven. Muslims need Jesus just as much as the rest of the world and I will be bold enough to say, just as much as some of our “Christian” church members. If the shoe were on the other foot and Muslims were burning bibles the church would be outraged. What a terrible act of disrespect not just to us, but to God! Why should they feel any differently. 
Pray that God would use Christian leaders to heavily push for this church to cancel the event. Pray that God could somehow bring good out of this if it proceeds as planned. Pray for Jesus to reveal His truth to Muslims around the world. Pray that these misguided Christians would come to understand the truth of Jesus and His message as well.

Details based on Article on among other websites

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Heavenly Man

The Heavenly Man, the remarkable story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun

with Paul Hattaway

It's not often that I am truly humbled, encouraged and challenged by one read. However, this book is one of those reads. Brother Yun's story is one that you could find straight out of the New Testament in the Bible. Only it takes place in today's day and time.
This book will definitely challenge your views of what it really means to be a Christian. It shows what it means when Paul says, "to live is Christ and to die is gain," in Philippians. And models the command of Christ to love our enemies. Here in the west it takes on different forms from that in China, but Brother Yun even addresses that near the end of the book.
If you think that the God of the Bible does not do miracles in today's day and age then surely you do not know much about what God is doing throughout the church around the world. I find it fascinating how God is blooming in a garden that tried to stamp him out completely. Our God is not hindered by humans. This is a story about one such nation, China. You will learn about the history of religion in China and current day situations that humans with any heart at all will be saddened and probably angered by. Their nation tries to put on such a good face for the world but it's all a facade.
Brother Yun faced many trials and encountered many situations some of us pray we never have to face and yet Jesus was faithful through it all. Pain and suffering are something we try to hide from and yet he embraced them and used them to draw closer to Jesus. Was Brother Yun perfect? No. In fact we learn of some of his costly mistakes. But God is a good God. A God of grace and forgiveness and uses us despite our imperfections.
I challenge you to read this book and not be moved. I find I struggle to not get angry at China and the leaders that allow these terrible things to go on. But when that happens I get on my knees and pray for the leaders. Despite their efforts to literally crush and demolish the message of Christ, it is spreading like fire throughout their nation. Pray for China. Pray for Brother Yun and the other leaders of the House Church. Read this book and become more educated about what God is doing around the world.

Welcome to the land of many thoughts!

Welcome one and all! For those of you who know me you know how much I love to read and write. I know I am such a nerd. Nonetheless, I think it is high time I started a blog and stuck with it. So this is it. This is my blog.
My mission first and foremost is to glorify Christ through this. Secondly I hope to open up discussion and get people thinking about various topics as I wrestle with them myself. Third, I hope to encourage reading and thinking by sharing reviews of books I have read. I welcome recommendations.
I'm hoping it will evolve as I do and as I learn more about this world of blogging which is pretty new to me. Read on....