Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Help

The Help
by Kathryn Stockkett

Unlike the last New York Times bestseller I read, this book was actually wonderful! I can't wait to go see the movie now that I've read the book.

This fantastic story deals with issues of black maids and their white employers in Jackson, Mississippi during the civil rights movement. While it doesn't highlight every type of relationship or horrific thing that went on it deals with enough. It's a great reminder of this era of history. In my mind it also shows the foolishness of thinking any one human is better than another whether that is due to race, religion or personality type.

I loved that the book was about a writer. Well, two writers actually. It sparked my desire to write yet again and showcased the power of the written word. I was inspired by these women who risked so much to write something that needed to be written. Would I do the same? Would I risk my life to say something that needed to be said? I'm not sure how to answer that question to be honest.

I highly recommend this read! Though it deals with some serious and tough things it does so with clarity and humor. You will laugh and cry and get angry, but in the end maybe you too will be inspired.

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