Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Choosing To See

Choosing to See
by Mary Beth Chapman

Why does God allow suffering and pain? Why does he allow terrible things to happen? Aren’t these questions we all struggle with? This side of eternity we may never have answers as to why God allowed certain things to happen in our lives and the lives of others. But “Choosing to See” portrays a view of looking past circumstances to “see” glimpses of eternity.

Mary Beth gives a very honest look at what it means to be a Christian and yet struggle with doubts. She tells her story in a transparent and heart warming way. You will laugh and cry with her as she gives you an inside look to the drama of her life as God unfolded it step by step.

If you have dealt with pain the past or are currently dealing with it this is not a cure all book for you. However, it does point to the One who can heal and comfort you despite the pain. It points to the One who can turn beauty into ashes and who promises that all things will work together for good.

I really enjoyed reading this book despite my tears. It challenged me to be a more authentic person, it gave me great insight into the world of adoption, introduced me to an amazing ministry and allowed me to grasp onto the hope that God is sovereign despite everything.

Check out the link below for more on the adoption / ministry organization they started.

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