Wednesday, December 1, 2010


by Rene Gutteridge

What would happen if conversations you had in the privacy of your home went public? Would your words bring life or death? This is the question explored in this book.

Like it or not, our words have power. The written word as well as the spoken word have the power to cripple or uplift. How we use our words is so important. We can use our words to harm others or to encourage them.

The small town in this book is turned upside down when private conversations begin to show up on a website for all to see. Who is behind this and what are they trying to get at? In the mean time allegations and judgements are passed as everyone tries to decipher who said what about who.

An interesting experiment and in some regards what keeps us glued to reality tv. (the drama) What we say comes from who we are. Granted we all say things in anger or frustration, but we still need to be careful what we say, which means we need to be careful what we think, which is why God says to take every thought captive.

After this read I will definitely pause to think about what I am saying and if it is something edifying or not.

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