Friday, November 19, 2010

"Commercial"ism at its worst

I recently saw a commercial for the Toyota Highlander and I have to say I think that my perception of Toyota just went down quite a few notches. I was really disheartened by the message it was sending to kids and adults.

Not only was the message that you are a “lame” parent if you don’t buy an expensive car with all the bells and whistles, but you are also “lame” if you enjoy life and your family time. You also need to be plugged in all the time because, well, that’s just cooler.

We never had entertainment systems in our cars. We never had the nicest cars. I know we thought our parents were crazy at times, but so what? Doesn’t every kid think that at some point? But I’ve never met a kid that wasn’t thankful for quality time with family. I never look back on times we spent in the car and think, boy I wish I could have just plugged myself in and had no interaction with anyone.

As I mentioned I am appalled that the commercial doesn’t even insinuate but point blank says that because the parents enjoying life in their “small” car don’t have the Highlander they are “lame.” What message does that send to our kids and parents? You have to have the best to be cool! I don’t think we need any more messages like that out there! It’s bad enough our kids get it from movies and tv and magazines and school, now commercials too and commercials for things beyond them? And this kid wasn’t even a teenager. He was probably middle school age.

Argggh…I hate the commercialism of our world and the lack of family values that 99% of media instills. People can swear up and down that it’s just a commercial and doesn’t have any effect but I tell you what, if that’s you, you are wrong. If advertising did not work it would not be on the air so much. It’s a lucrative industry all about the benjamins and I’ve personally had enough. I have to sit through and rip up commercials left and right these days and this one was too much!

If you are a parent I’d encourage you to practice dissecting commercials as well. Sit down with your kids, watch a commercial, even on YouTube and ask them what the message is that the commercial is sending? And discuss what God says and what the Truth of the matter is. Discuss why the commercial is selling lies and why their message does not provide what it claims to.

I did a google search on the commercial just to see what I could find and I found that many feel like me. I am glad I am not the only one! I found this article which I think sums up my feelings nicely and also shows the commercial so you can see for yourself. I also agree with his thoughts on the Windows phone commercial too.

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