Sunday, September 19, 2010

Muslims, Christians, and Jesus

Muslims, Christians, and Jesus
by Carl Medearis

In light of events in our country and around the world in the last decade I was curious to learn more about Islam, what it teaches and how to reach out to those in our country who are Muslim. I do not agree with the idea that they are our or even Israel's enemies, not as a whole. This book is a great tool for any Christian. I was challenged not just in my thinking about Muslims but also in how I approach evangelism in general.

First of all I learned many things about Islam that I did not know. I had no idea there were so many similarities between what the Qur'an says and what the Bible says. Obviously there are some major differences but Medaris focuses on the similarities seldom mentioned. It's a great starting point for conversation to start on common ground. The most common ground we actually share with Muslims is our faith in God and love for Jesus. He stresses again and again about bringing it always back to Jesus. He is highly respected by Muslims and most, according to Medearis, are open to talking and learning more about His life. It's a great reminder that we are not the converters. God draws people to Himself. God does the heart changing and saving, not us. 

I think the biggest challenge for me personally is the fact that I am not called to save people or even teach people the bible per say. I am called to love God and love others. I do want to share Jesus with people because I want them to have the hope I have and I want them to go to heaven because hell is going to be no fun. However, I should not go into relationships with the hope that they one day will become a Christian. If they do, great, if not, that is not my choice. If I love God with everything and love others with all Christ gives me and let His love flow through me it will make a difference. Of course that would mean sharing Jesus when the opportunity arises, but not forcing it. I think sometimes I put too much pressure on myself to share, to share to share. But really I just need to love, to love, to love. 

Whether it's Muslims, or co-workers, or neighbors or family or whoever. We are called to love those around us. I know it's such a simple concept. You'd think it would be easy to grasp. But as Christians and churches I think we put too much emphasis on "saving" people and not enough emphasis on actually proactively loving people. I probably heard this from someone else so I can't take credit but it was something to the effect of "Nobody cares about what you have to say until they know you care about them." 

So getting back to the book...It's a great read for tips on conversing with Muslims as well as sharing Jesus in general. My challenge to myself and to you is to love people better. There is no way you can ever love too much! "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." -Galatians 5: 22-23 

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