Monday, January 17, 2011


by Karen Kingsbury

I received this book for Christmas from my in-laws and was excited to start reading it since I forgot to bring a book with me for our Christmas vacation. I have heard of Karen Kingsbury and know she is quite a popular author, though I had never read any books by her before. After reading this I am eager to check out more she has written because this was a most excellent book.

I don’t want to give everything away because I would encourage you to read it for yourself, but I can give a brief synopsis. The story is about a family with a boy with autism and a school with kids like most schools today. The boy is definitely higher functioning but as a girl from his past befriends him he starts to show signs of progress. It’s a really beautiful story of how we all need to look beyond the surface and love people the way that God sees and loves them.

Random Musings from my Reading:

Bullying is horrific and really needs to stop! I wish there was a cure all but I know that bullying is as old as time and not something that can be controlled completely. However, I wish there were more consequences or more adults willing to get involved. It’s really sad. Especially with the rate of teen suicide as high as it is today. When will it end? I know that teens don’t necessarily think things through completely and that’s part of the problem, but the bigger part is us not doing our part to love like we should.

Along with that problem of bullying is, I think, an undeserved and ridiculous emphasis on sports in our society. I don’t think it’s fair to say that all athletes are bullies. But I do think that sports figures in society and even at the school level if they are good enough get “special” treatment. Don’t get me wrong, I like sports. I played sports throughout my schooling. I just think that our society as a whole has some things very backwards. You see it in the pros especially with athletes making exorbant amounts of money. It’s such a huge business now! But you know what, odds are not many of us are going pro and we need those math, science geeks in our society to contribute. We need those muscians to bring us soothing tunes to help us get through the day. We need those ordinary people like myself to work and do ordinary jobs so the world keeps turning. We need to appreciate each gift and talent and cultivate it and not just focus on one thing. Ok, I’ve said my piece on that.

My last thought is on autism. This book especially struck a cord with me since my husband works with kids with autism. I don’t spend any time around them but I get to hear all his stories. This book was really eye opening to me on just how diverse a disorder autism really is. It was also a struggle to read what the families with these children go through. We know that God works together all things for good, but I have to admit it would be a real struggle if it was me and my child in that situation. One of the cool things though that I have heard about and read again in this book is that autistic kids really do comprehend and understand more about the world around them then I think we realize. And there are sometimes “keys” if you will, that can unlock the world of communication to them.

Go check out this book and be prepared for a journey into your own heart.....

The Joy of Fearing God

The Joy of Fearing God
by Jerry Bridges

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise.” - Psalm 111:10

We heard a sermon a while back on the fear of the Lord, but I came away still unsure exactly what this “fear” looked like in a practical sense. I borrowed this book from a friend and I have to say I think it definitely shed some light on the issue.

So this fear we are to have is not an afraid kind of fear but is described as “filial fear” - an indescribable mixture of reverence, fear, pleasure, joy and awe which fills our hearts when we realize who God is and what He has done for us. This kind of fear is what gives us proper perspective in life and helps us keep our priorities strait. Our main goal in life should be glorifying the God whom we fear because of who He is and what He has done for us.

Some of the ways we fear God is by dwelling on his nature. This is one of my favorites and it was neat to know that it pleases God. Just thinking about the grandeur of God is incredible. Seeing the natural world and wonders of the intricacies of life always brings my thoughts to God. I will never understand how any can say there is no Creator. And then I look up in the sky and see a billion + stars (at least in North Carolina). Wow, God, Wow! He is so big. He also rules the nations and holds everything in his hand. We can never truly understand His ways.

One of the ways I still need to grow in this area of fearing God is trusting that He is sovereign despite circumstances. I know that things often go a way different to what I hope or plan for. I have a choice to make. I can get upset or as the book says, I can “bow before God, whose infinite wisdom and sovereign power somehow, in ways we don’t understand cause all these events to work together for His glory and our good.” I definitely could stand to dwell on that more.

This next quote from the book made me cringe because I know that I’m not there yet. “Occasionally we hear that some public event has been ‘canceled to circumstances beyond our control.’ The fact is, however, that all circumstances are beyond our control. We are absolutely dependent on God for the carrying out of our plans. The person who fears God not only acknowledges this, but delights to do so. He or she finds great joy in realizing our dependance on the moment-by-moment care of our loving, sovereign, heavenly Father.” Do I delight in my dependence on God. I probably find myself complaining more than delighting. I will be working on that his year for sure!

We also glorify God by enjoying Him which is another cool thought. God wants us to enjoy Him and His gifts. He is our provider and protector. He guides us and shows us great love and compassion. I need to enjoy God and what He is doing and continues to do in my life. He is so good.

I’ll leave you with a few other quotes from the book that really stood out to me. They are actually quotes from JI Packer but they were in this book and they are really good. Dwell on these thoughts and they will lead you to dwell on the one who enables us to think and fear Him.

“Living becomes an awesome business when you realize that you spend every moment of your life in the sight and company of an omniscient, omnipresent Creator.” -Packer, Knowing God

“The prayer of a Christian is not an attempt to force God’s hand, but a humble acknowledgement of helplessness and dependence. When we are on our knees, we know that it is not we who control the world; it is not in our power, therefore, to supply our needs by our own independent efforts; every good thing that we desire our ourselves and for others must be sought from God, and will come, if it comes at all, as a gift from His hands.” - Packer, Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God